Monday, October 8, 2007


Oct 8, 2007

Well, I think I can do this - it seems simple enough! So I'm going to jump right in. Today Sarah and Abby had ballet class at Children's Dance Foundation in Homewood. Their teacher, Charla, is absolutely fabulous. The piano player is also great - her name is Sana. It's fun to watch them dance - Abby lights up and they both just seem so happy, so free. They aren't the most graceful girls in the class, but you can tell that they enjoy it. The class is very creative - they get feathers and fly like birds; pretend to make soup, mixing it up and eating it; leap over dots on the floor; play with shaker eggs; all kinds of wonderful things. I'll try to think of the girls in their class - there's Elle (who is a twin to Jack and their mom is Jackie), Eliska, Ella, Tressa, Helen (who sits in the corner and hasn't joined in yet, but she will), Olivia...I'll have to think of more later.
After ballet, we always go to Chick-fil-a for lunch. After lunch they play on the playground, eat ice cream, and then we go home. Lucky me, they still nap, so I took one too! We made an afternoon run to WalMart for a few groceries and checked out the Hannah Montana and HSM dolls. Sarah is 4 going on 14. Fortunately Abby still loves the princesses!

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