Friday, July 18, 2008

Roger Day, Flying K-9s, Beauty and the Beast

It's been another full week. Tuesday we went to the Hoover Library and saw Roger Day. He's a kid musician along the lines of Laurie Berkner and Dan Zanes, and he's from Birmingham. I thought Abby would love him, but I expected Sarah, who loves Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, would be bored. I was wrong. Abby enjoyed the show, but Sarah? Well, Sarah was mesmerized. She loved every second of the show, and wanted to buy a CD. We bought 2, and got a free DVD, and it was non-stop Roger Day until bedtime. On Wednesday, I decided that this was a very good development for Sarah, because it was taking us a step or two away from the teeny bop influence that has been weighing so heavily on her. So, we went to see the show again. We got there early, sat in the front row, and sang along to every song. I must say that I really like "Dream Big" and "Roly Poly". Good thing, too, since I've heard them about 500 times this week!
Today we went to a birthday party at Veteran's Park, and they had the Flying K-9s for entertainment. Big fun! We took Bailey and he REALLY wanted to get out there and play with all the other doggies! He could be a frisbee dog, too, I think!
Tomorrow we're going to see Beauty and the Beast performed by the Red Mountain Theatre. I'm excited, except that it's a 3-hour show. I'll let you know how it goes.

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